
History offers students the opportunity to learn about past events, which have shaped the world in which we live today. History allows students to develop their understanding of historical events and create comparisons between the past and the present. As a subject it enables students to learn skills that are not only essential to the study of history, but also across many of the core subjects. Students are encouraged to become independent within their study and will learn through the use of cross curricular links. History offers the unique opportunity of being able to learn through hands on and living history, by allowing pupils to visit museums, galleries and the use of artifacts. Pupils will be able to recognise the significance of events and be able to draw conclusions from these.

Key stage 3 leads through to GCSE History and helps develop the skills needed to progress and become successful in further education. Through their study pupils will be able to use keywords and terminology. They will, over a period of time, become skilled in creating evidential and structured arguments to support their findings.

Pupils should extend and deepen their chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history.

Pupils will follow the guidelines set out by the National Curriculum

Student Book

The activities in this Short Course are grouped into the following modules:

  • Local History
  • British History – Our Island Stories
  • Britain, the Empire and the World
  • History From Below
  • European History
  • History in the World

Due to the nature of the ASDAN Short courses pupils will aim to complete 1 module per half-term depending on the student having 2 hrs lesson each week over at least a 5 week period. However this may change according to the varying needs of each pupil.

Assessment in History

Assessment: This will be ongoing through in class study and Pupil self assessment and peer assessment of work There is an opportunity for pupils become certified in their study through the AQA Unit awards scheme.


“Staff help pupils to successfully rearrange in education. Pupils benefit from an education that enables them to achieve meaningful qualifications. Pupils feel safe and well looked after Parents say it has turned their children’s lives around and they now come to school happily and want to come every day. Pupils feel safe and well looked after. Pupils learn about relationships as well as keeping themselves physically and mentally healthy”

Ofsted 2022