In the Summer of 2023 Spring hill High decided to invest in the Thrive Approach®.
Thrive will promote the wellbeing of all Spring Hill High School students, and help to prevent mental health issues arising.
The Thrive Approach has evolved over the last 25 years, providing those who work with children and young people with the knowledge, skills and tools to optimise social and emotional development. Spring Hill High has always strived to promote the well being of our pupils, using trauma informed processes to meet the needs of our students, using pupil EHCPs to achieve the best outcomes for our pupils.
With this in mind it was an obvious choice for us to invest in Thrive as the approach perfectly matched our own ethos and values, complimenting Spring Hill High's attitude towards pupil needs and learning. Thrive is committed to supporting and encouraging the development of confident, curious, creative and capable children and young people who are open to learning and better equipped to deal with life’s ups and downs. Building positive relationships. Spring Hill High has always tried to get our young people ready for the wider world. Enabling them to be able to meet the challenges of daily head on, with all the tools needed to be a fully fledged member of modern society.
Spring Hill high believes that the connections children and young people have with the adults around them is key. Repetition of positive experiences developed through Thrive activities supports their development, helping them to:
- Feel good about themselves and know that they matter
- Increase their sense of security and trust
- Increase their emotional wellbeing
- Improve their capacity to be creative and curious
- Increase their self-esteem and confidence to learn
- Learn to recognise and regulate their feelings
- Learn to think before behaving in a certain way
- and much more.
The Thrive Approach makes perfect sense to compliment the schools own attitude toward the learning of our vulnerable young people.