Student Council

At Spring Hill High School we have a very vibrant Student Council. Students develop their understanding of the British Value of democracy by electing a site representative each year. The site representative promotes “student voice” within their site and takes ideas forward to student council meetings with the Sean McGowran who is also the school’s lead teacher for SMSC. This supports the students to engage in the further British Values of the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.

Discussions are focused around these ideas and ways of improving the school. These views are taken back to senior leadership meetings and plans are put into place to action them. Recent ideas that have been actioned are a Jamaican themed lunch, new goals at the Slade Road site and a trampoline for the back garden at Hunton Road.

Meeting Minutes:

Below are the minutes of our meetings.
We use these to remember what we have done and what our next steps are.

‘Our school council wants to make a positive change for all the students at Spring Hill High School, where all students voices are heard, to make our school a happy and safe place’.

Statement put together by Student Councillors (2018-2019)


“Pupils are supported by an external careers advisor who helps them to identify clear goals, career choices and associated career paths.”

Ofsted 2018