Listed below are the Spring Hill High School term dates, holidays and staff training days for the academic year of 2024/2025.
Monday 2nd September | Inset Day 1 - School CLOSED to Students |
Tuesday 3rd September | Inset Day 2 - School CLOSED to Students |
Wednesday 4th September | Students Return to School |
Friday 25th October | End of Term |
Monday 28th - Friday 1st November | Half Term (1 week) |
Monday 4th November | Inset Day 3 - School CLOSED to Students |
Tuesday 5th November | Inset Day 4 - School CLOSED to Students |
Friday 20th December | End of Term - Whole School Celebration |
Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd January | Christmas Holidays (2 weeks) |
Monday 6th January | Inset Day 5 - School CLOSED to Students |
Tuesday 7th January | StudentsReturn to School |
Friday 14th February | End of Term |
Monday 17th - Friday 21st February | Half Term (1 week) |
Monday 24th February | Students Return to School |
Friday 11th April | End of Term- While School Celebrations |
Monday 14th March - Friday 25th April | Easter Holidays (2 weeks) |
Monday 28th April | Inset Day 6 - School CLOSED to Students |
Tuesday 29th April | Students Return to School |
Monday 6th May | May Day Bank Holiday - School Closed |
Tuesday 7th May | Students Return to School |
Friday 24th May | End of Term |
Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May | Half Term (1 Week) |
Monday 2nd June | Students Return to School |
Friday 19th July | July End of Term Celebrations |
Monday 21st July | Inset Day 7 - School CLOSED to Students |
August Exam Results Day 21st August 2025 | Wood End - Open from 9:30AM |
Monday 1st September | Inset Day 1 - School CLOSED to Students |
Tuesday 2nd September | Inset Day 2 - School CLOSED to Students |
Wednesday 3rd September | School Open to Students |
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