Term Dates

Listed below are the Spring Hill High School term dates, holidays and staff training days for the academic year of 2024/2025.

Autumn Term 2024 
Monday 2nd SeptemberInset Day 1 - School CLOSED to Students
Tuesday 3rd SeptemberInset Day 2 - School CLOSED to Students
Wednesday 4th SeptemberStudents Return to School
Friday 25th OctoberEnd of Term
Monday 28th - Friday 1st NovemberHalf Term (1 week)
Monday 4th NovemberInset Day 3 - School CLOSED to Students
Tuesday 5th NovemberInset Day 4 - School CLOSED to Students
Friday 20th DecemberEnd of Term - Whole School Celebration
Monday 23rd December - Friday 3rd JanuaryChristmas Holidays (2 weeks)


Spring Term 
Monday 6th JanuaryInset Day 5 - School CLOSED to Students
Tuesday 7th JanuaryStudentsReturn to School
Friday 14th FebruaryEnd of Term
Monday 17th - Friday 21st FebruaryHalf Term (1 week)
Monday 24th FebruaryStudents Return to School
Friday 11th AprilEnd of Term- While School Celebrations
Monday 14th March - Friday 25th AprilEaster Holidays (2 weeks)


Summer Term 
Monday 28th AprilStudents Return to School
Monday 6th MayMay Day Bank Holiday - School Closed
Tuesday 7th MayStudents Return to School
Friday 24th MayEnd of Term
Monday 26th May to Friday 30th MayHalf Term (1 Week)
Monday 2nd JuneStudents Return to School
Friday 19th JulyJuly End of Term Celebrations
Monday 21st JulyInset Day 7 - School CLOSED to Students
August Exam Results Day 21st August 2025Wood End - Open from 9:30AM

NB: Inset Day 6 to be confirmed.

Autumn Term 2025 
Monday 1st SeptemberInset Day 1 - School CLOSED to Students
Tuesday 2nd SeptemberInset Day 2 - School CLOSED to Students
Wednesday 3rd SeptemberSchool Open to Students

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“Staff help pupils to successfully re-engage in education. Pupils benefit from an education that enables them to achieve meaningful qualifications. Pupils feel safe and well looked after Parents say it has turned their children’s lives around and they now come to school happily and want to come every day. Pupils feel safe and well looked after. Pupils learn about relationships as well as keeping themselves physically and mentally healthy”

Ofsted 2022

Spring Hill High school is a unique school that is split across three sites

Spring Hill High School is located approximately five miles (8 kilometres) north east of Birmingham City Centre and two miles (3 kilometres) from Sutton Coldfield.

Wood End Lane School

Wood End Lane

Building confidence so that each student is prepared for transition into further learning, employment or training in the community.
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Orchard Road School

Orchard Road

A  very nurturing environment that helps students to access education.
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Slade Road School

Slade Road

To care, nurture and educate in a safe environment where students find it difficult to cope in groups.
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Hunton Road

Hunton Road

Peer interactions and plenty of encouragement throughout the school day, within group based lessons.
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