Physical Education - PE

Physical Education at Spring Hill High School is designed and personalised to be as inclusive as possible, giving all of our students the chance to experience success in a curriculum area that many of our students have previously been unable to access. The department is made up of 1 PE teacher and a teaching assistant.

A range of pathways are offered to students at the school and tailored to suit their needs from 1:1 classroom based PE, PE in the community, PE in a nurture group, Higher level group PE and Post 16 recreation activities. We also offer accredited pathways of AQA unit awards, Sports and Fitness ASDAN, AQA Level 1/ 2 in Sport.

Students are encouraged to enjoy, succeed and excel in PE recreationally and competitively. The department provide opportunities for all students to become confident and competent in being active in order to support them to follow a healthy and active lifestyle. A range of opportunities such as group PE and our annual Sports Day provide great opportunities for our students to compete in Sport and other physical activities that help to build character and embed key values such as fairness and mutual respect.

Physical Education is an extremely important tool that we use at our school to support the holistic development of each and every student. Through PE students are provided with opportunities to develop their social skills, use of communication, experience leadership, develop confidence/self-esteem and develop problem solving skills. We support our students in becoming confident and positive members of society by hiring out state of the art local facilities for their lessons.

The department have a successful “Gifted, Talented and Able” programme which is designed to stretch and challenge students. Through this Students are offered a number of enrichment opportunities which serve to further develop their knowledge and understanding.

Group PE sports that are covered include: trampolining, basketball, badminton, tag rugby, rounders, cricket, athletics, handball, golf, futsal, volleyball, health and fitness, kayaking, rock climbing, table tennis, football, problem solving, multi-sports.

Sports covered in individual PE are: classroom based PE, table tennis, badminton, squash, tennis, rock climbing, problem solving, health and fitness, swimming.

Assessment in PE

Assessment: This will be ongoing through in class study and Pupil self assessment and peer assessment of work. There is an opportunity for pupils to become certified in their study through the AQA Unit awards scheme.


“Staff help pupils to successfully re-engage in education. Pupils benefit from an education that enables them to achieve meaningful qualifications. Pupils feel safe and well looked after Parents say it has turned their children’s lives around and they now come to school happily and want to come every day. Pupils feel safe and well looked after. Pupils learn about relationships as well as keeping themselves physically and mentally healthy”

Ofsted 2022