Extra Curricular Activities

In the academic year 2016 - 2017 the student council raised with the school the need for extra curricular activities.

All students are invited to join our Physical Recreation Club or Exam Booster session club.

Clubs that will be available soon..

  • Drum Club
  • Dance Club
  • Film Club

The school is also looking to work with the company School Clubs in order to make the following clubs available.

  • Lego Club
  • Robotics Club
  • Animation Club
  • Coding Club

Please note that an extracurricular activity timetable will be available soon.


“Staff help pupils to successfully rearrange in education. Pupils benefit from an education that enables them to achieve meaningful qualifications. Pupils feel safe and well looked after Parents say it has turned their children’s lives around and they now come to school happily and want to come every day. Pupils feel safe and well looked after. Pupils learn about relationships as well as keeping themselves physically and mentally healthy”

Ofsted 2022