Remote education provision: information for parents

Remote Learning

The following is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education where national or local restrictions require pupils or cohorts to remain at home.

The remote curriculum

Our entire curriculum is delivered remotely to children, in line with their usual timetable, through a mixture of virtual sessions and project based learning. All students have the opportunity to attend 'face-to-face' sessions with their teacher in line with their usual timetable. Our aim is to adapt the style and pace of learning to best suit each individual.

Please note that we have had to make necessary adaptations in some subject areas, such as our vocational curriculum where sessions focus on the theory accompanying your child's practical sessions in school, as well as Physical Education which is delivered by our PE department using Google Meet video conferencing, included in your child's school Google account. Instructions for accessing these sessions can be found in our Google Classroom Parents Instructions.

What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two of pupils being sent home?

In the event that your child is sent home from school or is unable to attend in line with government guidance, they shall be sent home with a workbook for the remainder of the day. From the next day, their normal timetable is accessible via their Google Classroom, a free web service developed by Google for schools. It can be accessed on a computer using a web browser, or on smartphone or tablet. You can download the app from the App Store for apple devices, or Play Store for android.

For help accessing and using Google Classroom, or to find out how to enrol as a guardian to your child and get regular email summaries of their education, download our Parents Guide below.

Remote teaching and study time each day

We expect that remote education (including remote teaching and independent work) will take pupils broadly 5 hours per day. 

What if my child does not have digital or online access at home?

Children who are unable to access ICT due to risk are provided with workbooks. The school delivers workbooks to pupils and collects completed assignments, returning feedback. Regular welfare checks shall be carried out at the intervals agreed with your site leader.

Useful content

Please download the following from our COVID-19 UPDATES page:

  • Parents Guide to Google Classroom. This includes how you can enrol as a guardian for email summaries of your child's education
  • Distance Learning Policy
  • Key policy updates following government advice in 2021



“Staff help pupils to successfully rearrange in education. Pupils benefit from an education that enables them to achieve meaningful qualifications. Pupils feel safe and well looked after Parents say it has turned their children’s lives around and they now come to school happily and want to come every day. Pupils feel safe and well looked after. Pupils learn about relationships as well as keeping themselves physically and mentally healthy”

Ofsted 2022

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